
Start dates for English are Mondays except public holidays.

For course start dates for Business see our Academic Calendar.

If you need to change your start date and defer it, email our Admissions Officer: info@saoe.edu.au

On your first day, go to Reception on Level 1 and give the Student Services Officer (SSO) your:

  • passport
  • address in Australia
  • OSHC proof (if you did not ask us to get your health insurance for you)
  • proof of English if you are starting a Business course

At Reception, the SSO will give you a:

  • New Student Arrival (NSA) form – please have your Sydney address with you
  • timetable and important information in our Welcome leaflet
  • payment schedule if you are paying in instalments

The SSO will then take you to Level 2 to complete your NSA form and be tested for your English. Here you will meet the Academic Manager. The Academic Manager will interview you. One of the questions you will be asked is whether you have any special needs, learning disabilities or medical conditions so we can offer you assistance if required. The Academic Manager will introduce you to your teacher and your teacher will introduce you to the other students in your class.

For more information, please read the Student Handbook on the Pre-enrolment page on our website.