Arrival to Asutralia
Arrival to Australia

Are you aware that you might be risking a prison sentence?

Criminal organizations are targeting international students like you to smuggle parcels containing illegal substances into the country. Many students are being deceived into receiving packages that contain drug precursors, such as pseudoephedrine, used in the production of illicit drugs. Importing these substances into Australia is illegal. If you receive a parcel with illegal contents, you will be held responsible.

Be cautious if approached online or through bulletin boards to accept a parcel for money. Avoid responding to dubious advertisements. What may seem like an easy way to earn money could lead to serious criminal charges, including imprisonment for up to 15 years, a fine up to $330,000, or both.

Recently, a 21-year-old international student in Australia was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for collecting a parcel with illegal substances and aiding in importing a precursor. This student is likely to be deported after serving the jail term.

Don’t let this happen to you. Reject any parcel that may contain illicit substances or prohibited goods, as it can disrupt your studies in Australia and impact your future. A criminal record can hinder your ability to travel and study internationally.

Customs and Border Protection takes this issue very seriously. If you or someone you know is approached to engage in this illegal activity, call Customs Watch anonymously at 1800 06 1800.

Stay vigilant and refuse to receive packages for unknown persons.