Access, Equity and Anti-discrimination Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s commitment to access, equity and anti-discrimination principles.
It guides Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s compliance with the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and
the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. It therefore contributes to Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s compliance with Clause 8.5 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015., which require that the RTO complies with all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
This policy applies to the Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s liaison with all students, prospective students, employers, prospective employers, host workplaces, staff and partner organisations.


Discrimination means to treat a person differently because of on the basis of age, colour, race, gender, religious or political conviction, sexuality, ability or disability, location, family responsibilities, membership or non-membership of an association or for any other stereotypical or illegal reason

Disability, has the meaning given to it in the Disability Standards for Education 2005, as follows…
‘in relation to a person, means:
(a) total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
(b) total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
(c) the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
(d) the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
(e) the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
(f) a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person
without the disorder or malfunction; or
(g) a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of
reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour;
and includes a disability that:
(h) presently exists; or
(i) previously existed but no longer exists; or
(j) may exist in the future; or
(k) is imputed to a person.’


Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that:

  • Access and equity principles are applied to all aspects of its operations, promoting full and equal opportunities for all students, prospective students and other clients.
  • No person is discriminated against, harassed or treated unfairly in their dealings with Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd.
  • Each student has access to the level of support required to enable them to reach their full potential without it causing unjustifiable hardship to the organisation.
  • It complies with relevant Equal Opportunity legislation and Discrimination Acts.

1. Diversity

  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd recognises and values the individual differences of its students and the community and recognises that students come into its programs with a wealth of personal knowledge and life experiences.
  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd recognises that diversity is an opportunity to enrich and extend opportunities for all, by creating an inclusive environment for all people regardless of their background. This is ensured by:
    − providing a welcoming and supportive training community
    − offering flexibility in the way in which training and assessment is provided
    − providing adjustments to training and assessment activities within reason
    − having transparent student and staff recruitment and selection procedures
    − determining the needs of all individuals upon engagement with the organisation
    − providing students, staff and clients access to a range of support services.

2. Discrimination

In accordance with legislation, no person or organisation will be treated unfairly or discriminated against, on the basis of age, colour, race, gender, religious or political conviction, sexuality, ability or disability, location, family responsibilities, membership or non-membership of an association or for any other stereotypical or illegal reason.

3. Reasonable adjustments

  • In order to avoid discrimination against disabled persons, Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd will make reasonable adjustments to its processes where necessary to afford person who has a disability access to its courses and facilities on the same basis as a person without a disability. This includes in relation to the admission or enrolment processes, course or program delivery, or use of its facitlites or other services.
  • Reasonable adjustments should fairly consider the the interests of all parties affected. Therefore should consider:
    − The nature of the student/prospective student’s disability
    − The student/prospective student’s ability to achieve the learning outcomes
    − The student/prospective student’s ability to participate in the services or programs
    − Independence
    − The effects on other parties including Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd, staff and other students.
    − The costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

An independent expert assessment may be required to determine what adjustments are reasonable and necessary, and if and when the assessment may need to be reviewed.

4. Harassment

Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd is committed to providing all people with an environment free from all forms of harassment. Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd will not tolerate any behavior that harms, intimidates, threatens, victimises, offends, degrades or humiliates another person.

5. Fairness

  • The principles and practices adopted by Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd aim to ensure, that current and prospective students, clients and other stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably in their dealings with Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd.
  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd aims to provide open, fair, clear and transparent policies and procedures for use by staff and students.
  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd has fair and equitable processes for selecting students for enrolment into its courses. Decisions about student selection are based on clearly defined entry requirements. Students will be selected on merits, based on the course’s publicised criteria. Entry requirements as well as application and enrolment procedures are published in Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s marketing materials, course guides and on the organisation’s website.
  • All people will be treated courteously and expeditiously throughout the process of enquiry, selection and enrolment and throughout their participation in a course.

6. Exclusion from services

  • The principles and practices adopted by Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd aim to ensure, that current and prospective students, clients and other stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably in their dealings with Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd.
  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd aims to provide open, fair, clear and transparent policies and procedures for use by staff and students.
  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd has fair and equitable processes for selecting students for enrolment into its courses. Decisions about student selection are based on clearly defined entry requirements. Students will be selected on merits, based on the course’s publicised criteria. Entry requirements as well as application and enrolment procedures are published in Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s marketing materials, course guides and on the organisation’s website.
  • All people will be treated courteously and expeditiously throughout the process of enquiry, selection and enrolment and throughout their participation in a course.

7. Equity in access

  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd provides equity in access to the level of training and support required by each student. All students are supported in a manner that enables them to achieve their full potential and success in their training outcomes. All students are provided with opportunities to develop and successfully gain skills, knowledge and experience through education and training.


  • Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd provides equitable access to training and assessment services by:
    − offering culturally appropriate training and assessment resources that are relevant to student needs and circumstances;
    − referring students to support and counseling services where needed;
    − offering a wide range of course and learning options;
    − assisting students to arrange additional services if required such as interpreters or trained note takers;
    − providing courses that are self-paced and flexibly delivered;
    − encouraging students to be involved in their own feedback and decision making processes to ensure realistic training goals and progress.

8. Support Services

Support services will be provided to all students who require them. Please refer to Sydney Academy of Excellence Pty Ltd’s Student Learning and Support Policy & Procedures.


Reasonable adjustments


  • SRTOs: Clause 1.3, 1.7 and 1.8
A. Making reasonable adjustments
• Reasonable Adjustments may be required to training and/or assessment methods or enrolment procedures for students with a disability to provide them with the same educational opportunities as everyone else.
• Assessors can refer to this guide for further information about how and when to make reasonable adjustments in relation to the assessment process.
• When determining whether an adjustment is reasonable, consider the information in the above mentioned guide and refer to the Disability Standards for Education 2005 and clause 3 of this policy.
• Where a reasonable adjustment is made to assessment, this should be documented in the Assessment Record Tool.
• Where an adjustment is made in relation to the training or support a learner will receive during the course, this should be documented on an Individual Support Plan.
• Needs identified during the enrolment process should be documented on the Entry Interview Form.

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